How to Write ?
Write as soon as possible...

Here are answers about the desire to analyze your creativity.

This book permitted to review an international network newspaper’s pedagogy. This book helps you writing. It lists the processes to find or to seek the way to write. It also helps to spread what has been done.

Definitions about the usefulness and the writing’s processes allow you to grow towards rich and useful texts.

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Finding to Write
Creative Common by SA License
Article published on 21 November 2018

by Matthieu Giroux

Imagination makes us believing to write. To be imaginative, we only have to think about a situation we would like to have. You subconsciously think like that when you do nothing. So we write when we have nothing else to do.

After thinking comes inspiration. This may be an answer to a past question, but sometimes our desire to make a difference leads us something to remember. We can then awaken a story or a project, with this desire, detailing it.

Having an opinion makes it possible to differ himself. We filter everything we feel, see and hear. Then, realizing that everyone has an opinion lets compare. History is something utopian, a dream. The project is a subject to the others’ judgement.

You can mix project and story if your project is too blurry. History suggests that the project came from someone else. So we set up people that we saw, describing them from that we think about them. If our opinion grows, towards a substantiated vision, our stories become more realistic.

Of course, sometimes our imaginations are beyond us. The reader must also be overwhelmed with our imagination, adding to it reality, everyday life. So the reader does not believe in a dream, while the writer always imagines his story a little.

My Notes

What do I like to write ?
Feel free to write it...

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