A nominal sentence is :
* A central word.
* Verbal phrases around or a dialogue.
* A metric - syllables.
A verbal sentence is :
* Someone or something - the subject.
* An action - a verb.
* A qualification, a subject – complement.
* A metric - syllables.
A sentence could be :
* An explanation – "that is.."
* A relationship – "Oh, that’s good !"
* A feeling – " I like..."
* A music – "it rains, it rains shepherdess."
* Humor – "Read it is delirium."
* Useful – "I love. Love, love."
* Time – " You’re wasting your time."
Giving meaning to a sentence enriches our texts. Thus, while supporting it, we seek to find the rhythm.
To make the reader understanding easily, simple sentences are used. They have got :
* Subject.
* Verb.
* Perhaps a complement.
To make the sentence complex, several subordinate proposals are added to the main proposal. The reader can repress such phrases.
Having written poems, music allows your sentences to have a harmonious rhythmic. It’s better to record yourself reading your sentences and then listen to yourself. Having a rhythm in mind helps to understand the reader.
A complex sentence can possess :
* A relative subordinate proposal, such as an adjective, but with a verb.
* A subordinate proposal conjunctive purpose, words without the quotation marks, introduced by "that".
* A subordinate conjunctive circumstantial conjunctive proposal, such as a complementary circumstantial name but with a verb.
There are several circumstantial complements, time, manner, place, direct and indirect. There is also the name’s complement.
Here is an example of a subordinate relative proposal :
* I like the ones that love.
Using a verb at the end of a sentence helps to accentuate the emotion on the subordinate proposal.
The same shorter sentence :
* I love fans.
A short sentence is better understood.
Here is an example of a dialogue :
I said : "I’m funny."
Here dialog is highlighted. This sentence is more accessible here, since it transcribes the dialogue, so it allows to feel movement.
Here is an example of a subordinate proposal conjunctive :
I said I was fun.
In a story, using dialogues gives reality. The subordinate conjunctive proposal is used when analyzing or explaining.
Here is an example of a subordinate circumstantial conjunctive proposal :
* I’m at my friend’s house, having fun.
Here, too, the proposal at the end of the sentence is stressed. This proposal makes it possible to generalize your sentence.
The same more precise phase without a subordinate proposal :
* I am having fun at my friend’s house with her games.
If we use a proposal, we can be less precise. That is why, seeking objectivity, or meaning, allows you to find the best sentences.
My Notes
Create a story by repeating the beginning of sample sentences.