How to Write ?
Write as soon as possible...

Here are answers about the desire to analyze your creativity.

This book permitted to review an international network newspaper’s pedagogy. This book helps you writing. It lists the processes to find or to seek the way to write. It also helps to spread what has been done.

Definitions about the usefulness and the writing’s processes allow you to grow towards rich and useful texts.

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7 Getting his Texts Better

If we do not improve, we are lost because we live from our problems. How could we enjoy life without having worries, allowing us to question ourselves?

We are all looking to be referred. We catch that is known to be assured. So we remain embittered with so little novelty. Yet the urgency to do everything right away pushes us to do the bare minimum. But those who search also improve the world.

Me i was listening. Discovering what we did telling disgusted me. But I realized that these two antagonistic worlds were talking less and less. What’s about thinking for others if they do not understand us?

I knew, however, that talking was useless when there was nothing behind. I knew that when you spoke loudly, you could not think anymore. But we know others while talking to them.

It is therefore necessary that those whom listen go to those who know the human. It can creates bad adventures. Then we will know how to avoid them. It is also necessary that those whom understand the human are subjugated to understand the little scientists. They would necessarily help them.

At the moment when everyone is sick, lambasting or annoying his neighbor, for reasons that are often stupid, you should know that talking with courtesy creates much less regret. Courtesy is not just about manners. It is to highlight the unknown. In any case, the problems should be solved more easily with more friends than with our own bitter and amorphous world.

Then our hesitations become courageous. Our knowledge speaks about us well. We are supported by our neighbors. At the end we see the harm in the human only to avoid that is easily understood. Our time is used to understand other assets.

My Notes

Write about a solved problem…

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