How to Write ?
Write as soon as possible...

Here are answers about the desire to analyze your creativity.

This book permitted to review an international network newspaper’s pedagogy. This book helps you writing. It lists the processes to find or to seek the way to write. It also helps to spread what has been done.

Definitions about the usefulness and the writing’s processes allow you to grow towards rich and useful texts.

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Writing a Ballad
Creative Common by SA License
Article published on 2 November 2018

by Matthieu Giroux

The Ballad is medieval. It consists of three and a half verses, each of eight verses of eight feet.

The whole thing is played on three rhymes, with ends of verses organized like this: A-B-A-B-B-C-B-C. This creates a harmonious rhythm to sing.

All three verses end in the same verse. The final half verse, which is called "sending", begins with a beautiful word,"love" or "beautiful", for example. The Ballad ends with the rhymes B-C-B-C, in this half verse. There are twenty-eight verses at all.

A poem that is sung has got repeated rhythms and harmonious rhythms. You can use the previous chapter, to correct your poem, to be sung.

My Notes

Write a ballad to sing...

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