When you write, you realize what you’re thinking. We usually remember almost everything we write. Giving your opinion therefore allows you to retain that you have heard or seen.
When you look around, it’s easier to keep the world around you. But then, through writing, you compare that you find with the others’ works. Writing is only useful if it is read by others. We hesitate at first, but, with kindness, we are brought to another vision.
We still observe, and then we write to discover this vision. We realize that this was not enough. We communicate then that we did. So we express ourselves with our plans. We’re also moving faster and faster. We become unbeatable and communicative.
When you like to talk, writing allows you to tell. The most important elements are understood quickly. But will we ever discover the secrets of those who observe ?
So we search, and then we find partners, to create the content. We congratulate them more than we should. Indeed, communication with others is loved with technique. The source is the most important.
We had a life full of lives and contents to read, to remember. We will be the one who says and knows, in order to tell the past, for a better future.
My Notes
Write, if you wish, about that leads you to write...