Criticizing is very difficult. We cannot follow ourselves. So we grow faster than understanding our ego. If we do not know how to understand each other, we have to see that others write similarly, then we compare with that we have made.
You get to criticize yourself growing. At the end you understand your weaknesses, then you work on them. While remembering the most important, after having changed that we thought bad, checking your writings, with a friend, allows to know if we were right to rectify. Understanding our fears and prejudices does not allow us to make the same errors while rectifying.
Some remarks often come up. For example, the reader would like to experience that is in his daily life. The author focuses on the history’s meaning and its objectivity. Indeed, the reader is accustomed to read sentences that make sense, otherwise he stops reading. On the other hand, he retains that hurts him. We therefore awaken him towards the right direction.
The reader likes to identify with the hero. If we think that the reader feels to be the hero, we can add objectivity, accentuating text’s unity.
Events tell. Others highlight them. They can be placed after showing characters, so that we are even more interested in the latter.
A scenario helps to understand your story. At first, we write for background or style, then for the others.
Being criticized makes it possible to know to whom we tell while writing. We finally find our readers, with constructive fixes.
My Notes
Rectify a text that you want to improve...